A Kind of Compass
Belinda McKeon
The Needle always points in the same direction. And yet it hardly ever looks like the same direction; almost always, sitting there in your hand, this magnet to the pull of the world, it looks like a direction you've never taken before. And besides, you don't have to go there, you can veer off course. Knowing it's there, you can go anywhere. The needle will still know what it knows.
With stories from some of the best writers working today, A kind of Compass brings us to places and situations we could never otherwise experience.
From airport lounges and hotel hallways to the spaces between people, to the most secret places within the human heart, these stories look at the many ways we can feel at a remove from what we want, what we long for, but also from what we wish to forget. Funny, unnerving, vivid and real, these stories evoke the nature of distance, as well as of closeness and claustrophobia, exploring the many ways in which it is possible to feel far from home.