The New Contended Little Baby Book
Gina Ford
Britian's Bestselling Childcare Author
The prospect of bringing a tiny baby home for the first time is daunting. Stories of sleep-starved nights, inconsolable crying and feeding on demand can make any proud parent fearful of what the future may hold. Take heart because "The New Contended Little Baby Book" is here to help you.
Fully updated and expanded to include helpful input from members of her website and readers who love her routines, "The New Contended Little Baby Book" gives you reassuring and practical advice from Britain’s number one childcare expert Gina Ford. Gina's secret is simple and the results are amazing. Once you've established her routines, your contended baby will:
- feed regularly and well from either breast or bottle
- be less likely to suffer from colic
- sleep through the night from an early age
And what's more, you'll be a calm and contended parent too!