Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval
G. G. Chowdhury
The recently revised third edition of this highly regarded text blends traditional theories, techniques and tools with coverage of cutting-edge advancements and sophisticated new technologies in information retrieval (IR). Unique in its scope, author G.G. Chowdhury's exhaustive guide spans the whole spectrum of this rapidly expanding field, including: * database technology * bibliographic formats * cataloging and metadata * subject analysis and representation * automatic indexing and file organization * vocabulary control * abstracts and indexing * searching and retrieval models * user interfaces * evaluation of IR user needs * online database search services * multimedia IR * mark-up languages * web and intelligent IR * natural language processing systems * IR in digital libraries There is also a new, detailed chapter on citation indexing, along with insight on emerging trends in the field. Illustrated with many examples and extensively referenced, this is an indispensable tool for professionals and LIS students eager to broaden their skill sets and keep up with the latest developments in information storage and retrieval.