David Abodaher's Biography of Iacocca
David Abodaher
Lee Iacocca embodies the American spirit. He's the straight-talking, wise-cracking businessman who's captured the public imagination with his integrity, courage, and old-fashioned American guts.
As president of Ford and father of the Mustang, Iacocca's been a force to be reckoned with in the car industry for two decades. But it was due to his inexplicable fall from grace with Henry Ford that Iacocca took on the Chrysler challenge. By turning that dying corporation around through sheer will power and pulling in the biggest profits in Chrysler's history, the respected business leader became a modern-day folk hero.
Now David Abodaher, formerly of Kenyou & Eckhardt—Chyrsler's advertising agency—reveals the real story behind a remarkable man. Including material from personal interviews with Iacocca's wife, mother, and sister, and an in-depth account of Henry Ford's own background, this is a fascinating appraisal of the most admired man in America—one whom a great many people would like to see in the White House.